Download our complete Summit Report Back [PDF] and view online photo album here


On April 20-21,  WaterNow Alliance held our annual summit in Boulder, CO. It was a dynamic two-day event filled with engaging conversations, thought provoking presentations, and new connections that will catalyze action for sustainable water initiatives back in local communities across the nation.


Over 100 attendees from 15 different states (though primarily from the CO River Basin) descended on Boulder. We were thrilled to partner with the National Center for Atmospheric Research, the National League of Cities, Colorado Municipal League and the Local Government Commission. We heard from some of the top policy experts from across the nation and covered critical topics including:


  • The State of Water in the Nation
  • Innovative Financing for Sustainable Water Solutions
  • What Can Water Data Do for Local Elected Officials
  • Water Transfers
  • Equity and Affordability


Looking back at this year’s summit, we’ve been reflecting on the incredible energy attendees brought to the room and their commitments to take that energy home with them. Our goal was to catalyze action and as one WaterNow Alliance member put it, “I haven’t been too involved with water in my community yet, but after this summit, I’m going to be.”


8C9A8364Creating change at home is what WaterNow Alliance is all about. That’s why this year we introduced our “What Happens Monday Opportunities.”  Throughout the conference we highlighted tangible and specific opportunities for leaders to engage with us and our partners in new policy initiatives, on the ground projects or other collaborations. By the end of the two days, we had volunteers signing up, standing up and committing to next steps to move these critical pieces forward.


If you didn’t make it to this year’s Summit, we hope you’ll join us next year, or at one of our upcoming workshops across the nation. Stay tuned for opportunities to engage with us and as always – please feel free to be in touch with us directly if you have any questions or comments.

Download the complete Summit Report Back [PDF] & view our online photo album here.




Tia Lebherz is WaterNow Alliance's Communications & Outreach Manager. She can be reached at tl(at)waternow(dot)org.


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