Your generous gift will help WaterNow Alliance achieve our goals and secure a more sustainable and resilient water future.

If you wish to donate online, please click the donate button. You will be directed to Multipier, our fiscal sponsor, to make your tax-deductible donation.

Please make checks payable to “Multiplier” and write “waternow” in the memo.

548 Market St
PMB 81178
San Francisco, CA 94104-5401

Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Thank you!


Join The Alliance

WaterNow Alliance is a unique network of local decision makers leading the way to a healthy and resilient water future for their communities. See benefits of membership here.

Alliance membership is open to any voting board member of a public water utility – whether elected or appointed, part of a city, county or special district. Associate memberships are available for other water agency staff (conditions apply.) No membership fees are required at this time.


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