Policies & Programs

Sustainable Water Solutions

Water Recycling & Water Reuse

Innovative Applications in Water Reuse: Ten Case Studies

WaterReuse Association

The WaterReuse Association is a non-profit organization whose mission is to advance the beneficial and efficient use of water resources through education, sound science, and technology using reclamation, recycling, reuse and desalination for the benefit of our members, the public, and the environment.

Blueprint for Onsite Water Systems - A Step-by-Step Guide for Developing a Local Program to Manage Onsite Water Systems

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission

Recycling Saves Both Water and Energy

A Thirsty Planet, a project of WaterReuse Association

Planners, engineers and decision makers should better integrate energy issues into water project costs and water policy; understanding the water and energy nexus provides valuable insights that can not be gained by viewing water and energy use as separate resources.


Gray Water Design Manual for Outdoor Irrigation

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission

This guide gives an overview of the design, construction, permitting, and operation of graywater systems for outdoor irrigation, including laundry-to-landscape, branched-drain, and pumped systems.

WaterSense GrayWater Fact Sheet PDF download

Green Infrastructure & Stormwater Recapture

EPA webcasts on green infrastructure

Watershed Health

Valuing Natural Capital

Water in the West, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

Water in the West

Shopping for Water: How the Market Can Mitigate Water Shortages in the American West

Hamilton Project; Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment; 2014

Healthy Rivers Program

Western Resource Advocates

A program that promotes smarter water management throughout the West in order to protect the Colorado River

The Hardest Working River in the West: Common-Sense Solutions for a Reliable Water Future for the Colorado River Basin

Western Resource Advocates

Identifies five innovative solutions that could eliminate Western water shortages stemming from the over-taxed and stressed Colorado River and meet the water needs of the West's business, agricultural and growing population through 2060.

Ahwahnee Water Principles: A Blueprint for Regional Sustainability

Local Government Commission

Describes each principle and provides model projects and contact information for communities that are already implementing the strategies.

The Path to Water Innovation

The Hamilton Project

Key changes around pricing and governance would foster investment and innovation in water systems.


Water Education Foundation

Online water encyclopedia.

Arizona Resources

Arizona Water Atlas

Arroyo 2015 - Closing the Water Demand-Supply Gap in Arizona

Water Resources Research Center, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona

Summarizes Arizona’s current water situation, future challenges, and options for closing the looming water demand-supply gap

My Turn: A 2-step plan to meet Arizona's water demands

Arizona Republic article featuring Former Senator Jon Kyl and Sarah Porter, Director of the Kyl Center for Water Policy

California Resources

California Water Plan

Water and the California Economy

Public Policy Institute of California

What are the key economic issues related to water management in California today? This report offers a consensus view, drawn from a wide-ranging group of experts.

The Untapped Potential of California’s Water Supply

Pacific Institute

Beyond Water Pricing: An Overview of Water Financing Options in California

7 Things You Need to Know about California Water

Colorado Resources
Helpful Water Tools

Water Conservation Tracking Tool

Alliance for Water Efficiency

An Excel-based model that can evaluate the water savings, costs, and benefits of conservation programs for a specific water utility, using either English or Metric units.

Building Better Water Rates for an Uncertain World

Financing Sustainable Water Initiative, Alliance for Water Efficiency

Provides the background and concepts needed to develop, evaluate, and implement an effective rate structure, including the latest thinking, guidance and real world examples.

Sales Forecasting and Rate Model

Financing Sustainable Water Initiative, Alliance for Water Efficiency

An analytical tool that can explicitly model the effects of different rate structures, taking into account variations in price, weather, the economy, or supply shortages.

Interactive Water Budget Tool

WaterSense, Environmental Protection Agency

A tool to ensure a measure of efficiency and regional suitability for the amount of water applied to a landscape based on local climate data.