Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper Training Course

Become an EPA WaterSense QWEL Certified Professional!
July 9 - 11, 20189:00 am - 5:00 pm PST
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The Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) Training presents an affordable, proactive, local approach to reducing landscape water demand. QWEL professional certification provides landscape professionals with 20 hours of education on principles of proper plant selection for the local climate, irrigation system design and maintenance, irrigation system programming and operation and sustainable landscaping.

QWEL is recognized as a WaterSense labeled Professional Certification Program for Irrigation System Audits. In order to obtain the QWEL certification, an individual must demonstrate their ability to perform an irrigation system audit as well as pass the QWEL exam. Upon successful completion, QWEL graduates will be listed as Certified Professionals on the WaterSense & QWEL websites.

The list of topics covered in the QWEL curriculum includes:

  1. Where Our Water Comes From
  2. Sustainable Landscaping
  3. Soils
  4. Landscape Water
  5. Irrigation Systems
  6. Irrigation Maintenance & Troubleshooting
  7. Irrigation Auditing
  8. Irrigation Scheduling
  9. Irrigation Controllers
  10. Bringing It All Together

This training is sponsored by the City of Aspen and the curriculum will be taught by WaterNow Alliance and Roaring Fork Conservancy.

This class is offered for free. By registering for the class, you agree to attend the three sessions listed below.

Parking is NOT available on-site. Attendees coming from out of town should plan to park at the free Park n Ride at the Brush Creek Intercept Lot across from the Snowmass Village turn on Hwy 82. Local attendees should plan to take the local Aspen/Rubey Park bus.