Candi CdeBacaCouncilmember
City and County of Denver, CO

Candi CdeBaca

Candi is a proud fifth-generation native of northeast Denver, Colorado. She lives in the same home in the Swansea neighborhood that her great-grandmother lived in nearly 80 years ago. Raised by a single mother and grandparents, Candi understands the importance of tight-knit communities and stepping up for neighbors in need. Moving her family and community forward meant going to work at ten years old and focusing on academics.

Candi is a proud graduate of Manual High School where she was valedictorian and class president and one of the first students to be appointed to the Denver Mayor’s Commission on Youth and Denver Mayor’s Latino Advisory Council. A recipient of the Daniels Fund Scholarship, Candi was the first and youngest dual-degree graduate from the University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work. She is accomplished in policy development, federal policy compliance, organizational development, investigation, monitoring, training, motivating and leading diverse groups of people to share a mutual vision and achieve common goals. She was previously the Executive Director of Project VOYCE, a youth development and civic engagement organization Candi co-founded at 18 years old.

Candi is a fearless leader, prominent voice, and community champion in Denver on social justice issues spanning the range of nonprofit, K-12 education, higher education, community, business, development and environment.