Longmont, CO

Impact Analysis and Goal Development of a Non-Essential Turf Conversion Program Our Approach Project Outcomes

Project Goal

WaterNow is partnering with the City of Longmont to build on and complement its ongoing residential turf removal rebate program by establishing a data-driven target for reducing non-functional turf on city-owned property. Increasing water efficient and climate appropriate landscapes will enable the City to decrease outdoor water demand and move towards the conservation goals outlined in its Water Efficiency Master Plan.

Our Approach

Longmont is located in Colorado’s Front Range and is home to a population of just over 100,000. Like many other Front Range communities, Longmont is interested in methods that reduce its water demand in the face of increasing water scarcity as the City continues to grow.

In this project, WaterNow will draw on research and best practices from other communities to develop a methodology for identifying, analyzing, and prioritizing city-owned locations for turf conversion. This project will calculate the estimated water savings that could be realized by converting non-functional turf to water-wise landscapes, and examine additional environmental, social, and economic co-benefits that could result from turf conversion projects. This analysis will generate a data-driven goal for turf conversions on city-owned properties, enabling Longmont to budget and plan for these projects in the future. This analysis will also inform the City’s Water Efficiency Master Plan 2024 update.


Stay tuned! This project is currently underway.