WaterNow Impact Award Nomination Form
The Impact Award is a recognition opportunity specifically to honor public water agency decision makers for leadership around accelerating and/or expanding innovative and sustainable water solutions in their communities. Any governing board member of a public water utility – whether elected or appointed, special district or city or county – is eligible. See last year's winners here.
The primary criterion for an Impact Award will be evidence of leadership in supporting one or more sustainable water solutions with meaningful effect at the community or regional level. These solutions could include, but are not limited to: enactment of ordinances, direct engagement on policy matters at the state, local or federal levels, initiation of a sustainable water project or strategic initiative. Nominations will also be evaluated based on the extent to which they advance equity in the water space – by helping to make water more affordable, accessible or safer, or provide other benefits for disadvantaged communities. Only WaterNow Alliance members will be eligible to win the WaterNow Impact Award. Nominate a leader in your community today!
WaterNow Alliance will choose one to three winners to receive the 2018 WaterNow Impact Award which will be publically announced at WaterNow’s annual summit in Salt Lake City on March 28, 2018. Winners will be notified in advance of the Summit, and we very much hope that all winners will be able to attend! However, if the winner is unable to join us at the WaterNow Alliance Annual Summit, we would hope that the winner will be able to designate a colleague to accept the award on their behalf.